I am an artist living in New London, Connecticut.

My artwork is medicine for me and for the people who choose to hang it on their walls. When I was a child, I would treasure any chance I had to be alone in nature, or to create. The first thing I wanted to be was an artist. My grandfather, a stone cutter who studied art in Italy, encouraged me to draw and paint.

I love collaborating. I like beautiful things. I like balance. I like order. Life is overstimulating, violent and unkind. Life is beautiful colorful, and full of unlimited potential. I find inspiration in dreams, meditations and personal poetry.

I try to create something I have never seen before, and that pleases my senses. I am motivated to make art to feel the magic of colors moving next to each other. I also have a strong belief that humans are focusing energy on things that are not making life better. So it is from a desire to relieve pain that I focus on bright beautiful things.

I am living a life devoted to my inspirations, which have never wavered as long as I can remember in this lifetime. I am always a mother, artist, and yogi. I have a strong belief in community. I run a gallery in New London called the Kitchen Gallery. Its focus is on emerging artists and collaborative artshows. Artists of all ages and stages can meet and interact here. Many artists have had their first show there, and then gone on to exhibiting more. It is also the home of my Yoga School, where my goal is to make everybody feel welcome and part of the group.